Disciple Making Training ✦ Optimized for house churches

Tuesday — Sunday ✦ September 16-21, 2025
Bear Inn, Clifton, Tennessee

✅ Specifically designed for mission-focused lay people.

for singles and families who want to Maximize their Home for Mission.

Do any of these Describe You?

✅ Are you living in the city or the countryGOOD!

✅ Are you young or advanced in years? GOOD!

✅ Are you churched, non-churched, un-churched, or de-churched? GOOD!

✅ Are you new to learning about house churches? GOOD!

✅ Do you already have experience with house churches? GOOD!

✅ Do you want to understand God’s end-time prophetic invitation? GOOD!

✅ Would you like to become a better soul winner? GOOD!

Then you will benefit. Plan on coming!!

Why Is This Convention So Important?

2019 marked a historic change in the U.S. For the first time in U.S. history, more churches are being closed every year, than being opened. This trend has come from Western Europe and is here to stay. Now, this trend is moving to the Global South (South America, Africa, and Asian countries).

“Of 318 million Americans, 208 million (about 60%) are not interested in walking into the front doors of a conventional church.” ~ Alan Hirsch

In their new book, Church Refugees: Sociologists Reveal Why People Are DONE With Church But Not Their Faith, Dr. Josh Packard and Ashleigh Hope set out to understand the widespread phenomenon of church decline. Their latest research reveals that “of the 318 million people in America, approximately 104 million (33%) have left the church.”

Who Are These 104 Million?

Our interviews indicate that the dechurched are among the most dedicated people in any congregation. They often work themselves into positions of leadership in an attempt to fix the things about the church that dissatisfy them before ultimately deciding their energies could be better spent elsewhere. In other words, the dechurched were the “doers” in their congregations.”

Are You a DOER?

During this convention, you will learn how to:  Effectively share God’s end-time invitation in the mission field where you live.

Pictures from Previous Conventions

➤ River trip with cliff jumping, 2 rope swings, & picnic lunch
➤ Missionary kid’s activities
➤ Breakout Classes for all ages
Meals, Lodging, & Facility

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