Registration deadline 15 August, 2021

Meet Our Workshop Presenter

Meet Our Workshop Presenter

After spending 15 years pastoring churches in the Northwest. Milton started the Simple Church Global Network in 2009.  This network has grown and now serves house churches in 50 countries. His award-winning doctorate from Andrews University focused on the development of this global network.  Milton enjoys working with church leaders around the world and empowering missionary-minded lay people who love Jesus and want to share the Everlasting Gospel with their secular and/or unchurched friends.

Weekend Schedule


Registration @ 16:00-17:00

Supper @ 17:00

Why should I start a Simple Church? @ 18:00

Where does this idea come from? @ 19:00

What is Simple Church? @ 20:00


Breakfast @ 8:00

Simple Church Gathering @ 9:00

Lunch @ 12:30

Nine Essential Tools
 @ 14:00-15:00

HELP! What Do We Do with Children? @ 15:30 – 17:00

Supper @ 17:00

How to FIND secular & unchurched people @ 18:00


 Breakfast @ 8:00

How to SHARE your story in 15 seconds, and God’s story in 4 minutes @ 9:00

How to DISCIPLE new believers to “go and do likewise” @ 11:30

Wrap Up @ 12:00

Lunch @ 12:30




En relation med vår Gud och Skapare är det som ger liv, överflödande liv, evigt liv. Vi önskar dela detta med människor runt omkring oss och då är smågrupper, husförsamlingar en av de bästa sätten för oss att bygga relationer och förmedla Guds kärlek. Denna utbildning kan vara det sätt som Gud vill hjälpa dig att ta del i hans arbeta för människor i din närhet.
Bobby Sjölander

Swedish Union of Churches President

En Simple Church training workshop ger dig grunder och verktyg för att arbeta med husförsamlingar och smågrupper i hemmiljö. Det är en fantastisk möjlighet för att nå människor som inte tar sig till traditionella miljöer för att möta Gud. Kom och inspireras till hur arbetet med att dela tron med varandra och andra kan ske genom husgrupper och husförsamlingar – Simple Church.

Anette Frank

Samordnare för församlingsgrundande arbete, Coordinator for Church Planting

Simple ideas are changing the world, in fact the simpler the method the greater potential there is for more people to be involved! The Simple Church movement is a biblical way of being a 21st century missionary. Prioritisation of the home as a centre for worship, bible study, prayer and hospitality will increase the effectiveness of reaching out to those who have not come to faith yet.
Simion Martin

TED Discipleship coach for Scandinavia

Can my family come?

Yes! Children love Simple Church planting because it is family integrated. Simple Church is about reaching “the mission field that lives where you live”—beginning at home with your children. One of the best ways to reach this first mission field is to bring them alongside you as you focus on the mission field. During the workshop, parents are able keep their children with them; please bring quiet activities for young children.

Does it matter whether I live in the city or the country?

Simple Church is ideal for any location. It does not matter where you live. Research now suggests that 60% of the population is not interested in walking through the door of a conventional church building.  That means that only 40% of the population is interested in “church.”  What about the 60%? When you help plant a Simple Church in either an urban or a rural setting, you accept God’s invitation to make a Kingdom difference in people’s lives.

What if I don't live in locally?

Not a problem.  Registration is open to everyone, no matter where you live. If fact, if you are from out of state, you play a key role in pioneering Simple Church planting in new areas. No matter where you are from, try to bring one other family with you who shares your missionary heart. Come – as an individual, as a family, as a team.

Bookings Deadline Countdown








I have some questions. Who do I contact?

Contact: Anette Frank
Mobile: 010-7779615

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