Minnesota Campmeeting

Maplewood Academy, 700 N Main St, Hutchinson MN 55350

June 12-14, 2019

Registration &
Camp Meeting Schedule.

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Morning, 8:30-9:30 am

1911 Prediction about Church Attendance Crisis Comes True

Description — In 1911 Ellen White predicted the current crisis in church attendance. The latest research reveals two challenges going on at the same time. One, 60% of the general public will not walk into your local church. How will you reach them? And two, 104 million Americans have left the local church are likely, not going back. How will you reach them? This series of Simple Church presentation will give you answers that have been time test for the last 9 years. This workshop will build upon itself.


Afternoon, 1:30-2:30 pm

What is Simple Church?  How does it work?

Description — 51% of Simple Church Sabbath attendance around the world are secular and/or unchurched people. This is unheard of in most conventional churches.  This workshop introduces you to a missionally effective, and sustainable way of reaching your neighbors who will not go to your church. This workshop builds upon the previous presentations.




Morning, 8:30-9:30 am

A very different kind of Bible Study for Simple Church Planters

Description — There are no sermons in Simple Church.  And there are no wrong answers.  And yet Simple Church planters share the Everlasting Gospel. How does this happen? Make this workshop a high priority. This workshop builds upon the previous presentations.


Afternoon, 1:30-2:30 pm

8 essential tools that keep Simple Church outreach-focused

Description — “I like the music.” “I get fed.” “I love the kids programs.”  Believe it or not, this kind of thinking is deadly. Simple Church replaces this toxic “I-centered syndrome” with tools that keep your Simple Church other-focused. This workshop builds upon the previous presentations.






Morning, 8:30-9:30 am

HELP! What do we do with our children?

Description — “Over 80% of young people leave the church before college.” The latest research now shows that out-sourcing our children at church is detrimental to their spiritual growth. This workshop will introduce this research and more importantly, it will share 1) a secret for keeping your children active in the faith, and 2) an effective way to win back your adult children who have left the church. This workshop builds upon the previous presentations.


Afternoon, 1:30-2:30 pm

How do I get started? What are my next steps? What is PhaseTWO training?

Description — Did you attend these six Simple Church training workshops?  Congratulations, you have completed PhaseONE training. Now what? PhaseTWO training is online and requires a special invitation.  During this presentation, you will learn what your next steps are in becoming a Simple Church planter. And this special invitation will be emailed to you with a link to start PhaseTWO training.

When Jesus walked on this earth He spent His time with common people like you and me.  His goal – to restore humanity.

When Roman Emperor Constantine became a “Christian” he institutionalized Christianity.  What followed is a long story of professional clergy and expensive buildings.

But that is fast changing.  Millions of Christ’s followers are “going” (leaving their church comfort zones) as they accept God’s invitation to join Him in His front-line missionary work – that of restoring humanity and bringing hope and healing to the broken, hurting, and hopeless.

This new normal is radical action.  And you are invited.

It seems the fastest way to multiply the number of disciples is to multiply the number of churches.  Simple Church is multiplying churches among those who most probably would not attend a traditional church.

Justin Lyons

Minnesota President

“I will admit that I struggled with the idea at first.  It took several hours of intense dialogue with Milton Adams, but I couldn’t deny the fact that the Simple Church model followed the biblical model closely. Like the Biblical house church, Simple Church empowers lay-people for ministry within the locality of their homes. Church statistics across the Christian spectrum have shown that Simple Church works!”

Brian Mungundi

Minnesota Vice President for Administration

“We’re finding that Simple Church is especially effective in reaching people who don’t attend any church, and would probably never enter the four walls of a traditional church building. It’s also extremely cost-effective. These congregations have no paid pastors; they empower lay people; and they don’t have the overhead expenses of church buildings.”

Gary Krause

General Conference, Adventist Missions

Can my family come?

Yes! Children love Simple Church planting because it is family integrated.

Simple Church is about reaching “the mission field that lives where you live”—beginning at home with your children. One of the best ways to reach this first mission field is to bring them alongside you as you focus on the mission field.

During the workshop, parents are able keep their children with them; please bring quiet activities for young children.

Does it matter whether I live in the city or the country?

Simple Church is ideal for any location. It does not matter where you live.

Research now suggests that 60% of the population is not interested in walking through the door of a conventional church building.  That means that only 40% of the population is interested in “church.”  What about the 60%?

When you help plant a Simple Church in either an urban or a rural setting, you accept God’s invitation to make a Kingdom difference in people’s lives.

What if I live out of state?

Not a problem.  You are still welcome to attend!

If fact, if you are from out of state, you play a key role in pioneering Simple Church planting in new areas.

No matter where you are from, try to bring one other family with you who share your missionary heart.

Come – as an individual, as a family, as a team.

GPS: 26º 31.244'S 28º 17.898'E

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